Thursday, August 26, 2010


This is a bad mullet hair day



Starting a new chapter:

Not another boring blog today. Have you ever taken a ride with someone that gets on your nerves? I have spent the past 4 hours with an old man and his many stories. Now, don't get me wrong, I love to hear stories but not at the risk of a head on collision caused by his insistent need to keep looking at me while talking. In all, I have probably consumed 4 times the limit of air from gulping in from all the near misses today. Glad it's over and glad my son is here with me.

Today's travel was with a prison minister. Don't get me wrong, I love ministers. I also think it's cool to be called to minister in prisons but I honestly don't have the slightest curiosity about how hard the criminals are, sitting with someone on death row, and even hearing about their death threats. I don't work at a prison for a reason, and that simply is because I am too compassionate and too trusting. I would not last in that environment. It doesn't mean that I don't think people can be reformed because I do believe that; I just know I would be conned all the time.

So, here we are stuck in a car with a Mickey Rooney look a like and who's smell could pass as that of wet dog odor. He had old man smell, and I know it's not his fault because he's old. His car, well that is a story all in itself. He was bragging about how his car has over 400k miles on it and he has AAA for emergencies. I would hope so. I not only prayed for my life but for his car as well. We had bible lessons all the way down there, all of which pertained to prisoners.

I am proud to say that we in no way harmed any animal that lay dead in the road or on the shoulders. 

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


something to think about.

Every so often I get to run across a gem like this. Now, the reason for this picture is to stress that not always are the weight limits on baby items real. This is a nice example of how this stroller can withstand 30x's the official weight limit.

Okay, this was a ridiculous plug on my book, but doesn't it make you want to go out there and buy a copy?

Okay, to be fair, everyone know's that I am an OBAMA fan, but because I love funny pictures you have to admit that little girls head on the bottom right hand corner is going to be very famous.

Is it just me or does that hat really make his face POP