Sunday, September 5, 2010


I know I have talked about the old lady that lives by my old lady next door who is a hoarder. Now, on this day I was going to take her some beans and rice. When I got over there I couldn't find a spot to put the meal. This space is just the kitchen. That path where she is standing is honestly a path and it starts at the front door, to that area and tightens up from the living room to the bedroom. The clutter and smell is overwhelming and it has began to show its ugly head outside where she throws out pieces randomly.

Trying somehow to make sense of this mess outside of her front door is like being low IQ and trying to understand Quantum Physics. I sometimes think she is trying to decorate her front lawn or possibly doing a bit of landscaping. My heart goes out to her because she is obviously dealing with dementia/Alzheimer's and that scares me because I never know what to expect. She is a dear soul and a lovely lady but she doesn't know what she is doing. 

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